Friday, May 16, 2008

Tiny chess engine running

After performing some tests I have a chess engine running as one block on a multiprocessor, using alpha/beta using killer moves as well


Anonymous said...

How many nodes/s are you at now?

Hieronymus said...

Currenty about 500.000 nodes a second. But the number does not mean so much since a lot of nodes are searched for nothing.

Anonymous said...

How did you choose to use Nvidia/CUDA rather than ATI/Brook+? Would you be opening to programming instead on an ATI GPU?

Hieronymus said...

I started with a prerelease of Cuda, early 2007, there was no alternative at that time. NVIDIA was the first one to make it available. I looked at Brook but I found CUDA more flexible.

Anonymous said...

What a useless blog this is. Over a year and no GPU engine. All you do is create sites about GPU chess and make claims and explain nothing.

I think you don't even know any programming languages or even know how to compile a simple executable.

Please get a life or better yet just kill yourself.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the comment i have been checking this cudachess site blog,no exe is released at all.

Anonymous said...

how to contact you?

Reza said...

Hey, is there anyway you can share you work with us? I want to collaborate making it better. Let me know how to contact you.